Barrier to God?
Dynamo of History

What bothers me most about traditional theology is the absolute distinction between Creator and Creation that it often alleges.

I believe that the incarnation of Jesus derives its significance almost entirely from its most evident violation of that alleged principle.

It is the outrage of that divine act that is the dynamo of Christianity, and which has spilled over in many ways into secular culture.

The dynamo is the tension between monotheism and incarnation that is strictly internal to Christian culture.  It would hardly exist in pagan polytheism.

The peculiar eschatology taught by Jesus derives from this outrageous act.  Our salvation could only occur collectively in an act of ‘hierogamy’ between the church and the risen Christ that would consummate the incarnation.

Jesus is our conduit back to the God from which we sprang.  If that reunion is to be something other than annihilation then we must partake of God.

I suppose that this is out and out Gnostic heresy, but is this also not an innocent desire?  Why should theologians feel so compelled to beat that innocent desire out of us creatures?  

Let me hasten to answer.  Becoming one with God can only be a collective and final historical act.  Those wishing to bypass our necessary historical sojourn are not acting in the interest of Creation.  The barriers to God are erected so that they could be removed at the appropriate time.

That is my answer, at least.


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rev. 2/12/99